Second Anniversary: Ten Best Books of the Year!

Cover for Life After LifeTomorrow is my second anniversary of keeping this blog. So, here I am with my second list of the year’s best ten books. This list is fairly arbitrary, because to get it down to ten books, I had to make some tough decisions. As with last year’s list, these books were not necessarily published in the past year. They are just the ten best from the ones I reviewed, in the order I reviewed them.

12 thoughts on “Second Anniversary: Ten Best Books of the Year!

  1. As someone who has only been blogging for 2 months, 2 years seems like quite an accomplishment, so congratulations!! I have read only 2 books from your list, but 2 others are on my to-read list. I will have to look into the others. (There are 4 2’s in this comment!)

  2. I love book lists, and I’m so glad you wrote one! I joined Net Gallery as per your recommendation and I actually found The Signature of All Things there. I think I’ll request it. I otherwise have The Orphan Master’s Son on my desk right now and I can’t wait to get to it. I want to read a few others on your list as well. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary blogging!

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