4 thoughts on “Best Book of the Week!

  1. I’ve enjoyed your review of this book, and coincidentally have been reading reviews on these books on another blog. (I wish I could remember which one right now!)

    Not so far back these books were serialised in the UK. I watched and enjoyed the strong performances but sensed there was something I wasn’t getting: I suspect it might be very difficult to convey the subtleties that the books contain on tv. I’m really going to have to settle down and read them for myself – just need to find yet more reading time!


    1. I saw that series, with Benedict Cumberbatch, right? That’s what made me decide to read the books. I am thinking that you may be able to find them in one or two volumes, if you look. I read them in four, but some of them were really thin, and I think that dividing these old classics up into several volumes is a way that the print by demand folks make more money. Maybe you read ebooks, though, in which case you won’t have this problem.

      1. Yes, that’s the series. I found all four volumes as an e-book really cheaply, but I’ll probably hold out for ‘proper’ books. When I finally get around to reading them I think they’ll be books that I want to keep 🙂

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