Classics Club Spin #15

It’s time for another Classics Club spin. We are to choose 20 books from our Classics Club lists, and on Friday, the Classics Club will pick a number. That will determine the book we will read for May 1.

I am getting so close to completing my list that I haven’t had 20 books left to pick for the last several spins. This time I’ll list both Henry VI, Pt. II and III, which will force me to read Pt. II if Pt. III is chosen. Then I’ll be done with old Henry. So, here goes:

  1. The Moonstone
  2. Henry VI, Pt. II
  3. The Idiot
  4. Henry VI, Pt. III
  5. Bleak House
  6. Middlemarch
  7. The Moonstone
  8. Henry VI, Pt. II
  9. The Idiot
  10. Henry VI, Pt. III
  11. Bleak House
  12. Middlemarch
  13. The Moonstone
  14. Henry VI, Pt. II
  15. The Idiot
  16. Henry VI, Pt. III
  17. Bleak House
  18. Middlemarch
  19. The Moonstone
  20. The Idiot

6 thoughts on “Classics Club Spin #15

  1. Yes, if you read classics, you might want to join. To be a member you just post a list of 50-100 books that you want to read by a certain deadline and post the deadline, which you set yourself. Then you go on their site and post a link to your list in the comments. Every time you review a book on your list, you submit the link to them to be added to their site. Every few months they do one of these spins to make it interesting. I am getting near to finishing my first list of 50 and have my next list already selected. You can change your list at any time.

    1. Many of my first list were old favorites, as I was trying out the concept and thought it would be a good way to revisit some books I hadn’t read in a while. I have also read all of these except the Henry plays.

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