Day 529: The Interestings

Cover for The InterestingsIt took me awhile to get interested in The Interestings. (I just had to say that.) Reading it was ultimately worth it, but I found the novel difficult to get into, beginning as it does with a situation and characters to which I do not relate.

Jules Jacobson is an awkward teenager when she arrives at a summer camp for the arts during the mid-1970’s. The campers are mostly rich New Yorkers. She is not rich, but received a scholarship for the camp after her father’s death. Jules feels inferior to these kids, but she is unexpectedly adopted by a small group who call themselves the Interestings.

Ethan Figman is an unattractive but kind boy. He spends most of his time at the camp learning animation and drawing. Jonah Bay is the beautiful but elusive son of a famous folk singer. Cathy Kiplinger is a talented dancer. Ash and Goodman Wolf are a wealthy, attractive sister and brother. It is not clear what Goodman does at camp besides flirt with girls, but Ash is studying drama.

Jules is entranced by her friendship with these people, so much so that her relationship with them becomes a preoccupation of her life. She is particularly attracted to the Wolf family, and Ash becomes her best friend. Ethan early on makes overtures to her of a different nature, but she is not attracted to him.

The novel follows Jules’ relationship with her friends over a period of forty years. It particularly focuses on Ash and Ethan, who marry and become extremely successful.

For Jules, the Interestings glow with a special aura long after most of them have not lived up to their promise. Wolitzer’s intent is to examine issues such as how much value to place on a constant striving for success and its link with the need to feel special. She also examines the life of art—how far do you go for art before giving up? After having little success, Jules abandons her own desire to be a comic actor. She also goes through a long period of envy for Ash and Ethan while she and her “ordinary” husband Dennis struggle financially.

My problem with this novel is that I don’t understand the attraction the group, and particularly the Wolfs, have for Jules. In truth, she seems dazzled by the wealth and privilege of this family, even if she doesn’t realize it. Ash is a nice enough person, although somewhat vaguely depicted. But somehow these fascinating Wolfs manage to raise a self-absorbed, uncaring son and a daughter who is too eager to please her family. Early on, Goodman is accused of a serious crime. The way his family handles this problem is very telling, as is the fact that they never seem to consider he might be guilty.

Wolitzer sometimes tells us other things I personally feel the novel does not demonstrate, for example, how witty Jules is. I saw very little evidence of wit in the dialogue, and when I did, it usually came from Ethan. Maybe the novel would have been more compelling if we could feel the attraction of the Interestings ourselves or hear the sparkling wit. Or has Wolitzer planned for us to remain detached, to see through everyone from the first?

This novel provides many ideas to ponder. After I stuck with it, I got interested in what happened to the characters, but I didn’t  love it.


10 thoughts on “Day 529: The Interestings

  1. I’m still pondering whether to get into this one, though your statement that Wolitzer tells readers, rather than shows them, that characters are witty is not selling me. I hate it when authors do that. :)-Tania

  2. I’ve read lots of good reviews about this book, but have been hesitant to read it myself, because I felt the same way about The Ten Year Nap as you have described feeling about this book. I just didn’t really care about her characters. I liked it, but not enough. I know I can’t judge all her books by the one that I read, but this review is telling me my hunch might be right. Also, what Tania said.

    1. Yeah, I wasn’t in love with the characters. Jules especially was too obsessed with comparing her success in life to those of other people, and I think too obsessed in general with definitions of success. She cared about her friends but was jealous of them. It’s very human, but I guess I don’t really yearn for fame and riches. Maybe a little more money, but not fame and riches.

      1. I feel the same way Naomi did. This book got so much attention but I couldn’t help feeling biased from my one experience reading The 10 Year Nap (so I didn’t try The Interestings).

  3. Ash is a girl’s name? Huh.
    But really, there seem to be a lot of books in the “girl-from-average-family-gets-admitted-to-top-school-and-doesn’t-get-along-with-wealthy-peers” category. It’s an odd one.

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