Review 1573: One Woman’s Year

I was delighted to receive One Woman’s Year from Persephone Press as a review copy. I hadn’t heard of Stella Martin Currey before, but I shall be looking out for her books.

One Woman’s Year is a journal but with a very specific structure. Each chapter is for one month and begins with a quote from a 1677 book called British Merlin, which seems to be a sort of almanac. Then there is an article on some subject, often related to the month. Following this are the following sections: ‘Most Liked Job,” “Most Disliked Job,” “Recipe,” “Excursion,” and “Anthology.” The short pieces often contain amusing anecdotes. “Excursion” is always a suggestion of an interesting outing to make with children, and “Anthology” is quotes from books and poetry. All this is nicely illustrated with woodcuts at the beginning of each chapter and elsewhere.

Although Currey is a lot more domesticated than I am, I found this book light and easy to read. I skipped over most of the recipes but may try others. All in all, I found this book charming, quick to read and entertaining. She sounds like a good mom.

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7 thoughts on “Review 1573: One Woman’s Year

  1. I enjoy thinking of new ways of writing my diary and keeping notebooks and this sounds like someone who has some good ideas so I should get myself a copy!

    1. They say their bookmarks and inside covers are wallpaper from the time period. I often wonder what people’s houses must have looked like with that wallpaper. This one is pretty, but still, as wallpaper it would be pretty overpowering!

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