Review 2060: Moominsummer Madness

I intended to read Moominsummer Madness for the 1954 Club last spring, but it didn’t arrive from the library in time. So, I read it when it did arrive.

The Moomin family are on holiday when a huge tidal wave floods the valley. Their house gets flooded and they end up taking refuge on what they think is a floating house but is actually a theater.

Moomintroll and his friend Snork Maiden are separated from the others when they camp out for the night in a tree and the theater is cut loose. And Little My also gets lost when she falls through a trap door.

I usually try to review children’s books in terms of how attractive they might be to both kids and adults. Kids like books with lots of silliness, which is probably why these books are so popular. They don’t have much internal logic, though. I thought the book was only slightly interesting.

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