Reading Thirkell’s Barsetshire Series in Order: #23 What Did It Mean? + #22 Jutland Cottage Wrap-Up

I am finding the series just as interesting as we get closer to the end because I like finding out what happens to the characters. Thanks to all the people that persist in either trying to read along or at least comment along. I know some people have had troubles locating the post-war novels. Participators and commenters for Jutland Cottage were

The next book, with only seven to go counting it, is What Did It Mean? I will be posting my review on Friday, April 28. I hope some of you can participate.

And here’s our badge, which I don’t think anyone is using anyway. Oh well.

2 thoughts on “Reading Thirkell’s Barsetshire Series in Order: #23 What Did It Mean? + #22 Jutland Cottage Wrap-Up

  1. Just found a copy of what Did It Men for a fairly reasonable price. I honestly can’t convince myself that $50-75 is a reasonable sum to ask for these . . . Did you collect a set earlier, or have you had to “hunt and buy”?

    What I like best about these later novels is the feeling of a long telephone conversation/letter. I wish these later novels were also recorded, just as the earlier ones were. They’d be perfect bedtime listening!


    1. I had a few of them but I bought the rest when I started, and it seems as if most of the later ones cost about $25 at that time. They’ve been sitting in a pile on my desk that has been getting shorter.

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