Reading Thirkell’s Barsetshire Series in Order: #27 Close Quarters + #26 A Double Affair Wrap-Up

We’re counting down to the end here with only three books to go. My thanks to the loyal followers who have continued to comment even if they haven’t been able to read the books.

  • Liz Dexter
  • Penelope Gough
  • Renee

In A Double Affair, I believe I caught Thirkell in a continuity error for the first time. We’ll see how she finishes off the series.

The next book is Close Quarters, and I’ll be posting my review on Thursday, August 31.

And here’s our badge.

6 thoughts on “Reading Thirkell’s Barsetshire Series in Order: #27 Close Quarters + #26 A Double Affair Wrap-Up

  1. I started reading the Barsetshire series a couple of years ago, and have finally caught up to you. I am a completist so I enjoy this kind of reading project. I’ve been fortunate to find all of the books but one in my library system (a network of fairly small libraries in rural Ohio), and I happened across a like-new copy of the only unavailable title (The Demon in the House) in a secondhand bookstore and snatched it up. I have found that these books make ideal bedtime reading for me: they hold my attention, but there’s never anything to give me nightmares. I enjoy the humor and keeping up with the various characters that I’ve grown attached to over the course of the series. A Double Affair, though not my favorite of the series, was enjoyable. I did feel like the engagements happened VERY quickly but of course one knows both couples will live happily ever after. I’m looking forward to diving into Close Quarters in the near future.

    1. That’s great, Renee. I hope to hear from you when we review that book. Yes, the engagements and even the people to be engaged to almost came out of the blue.

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