Nonfiction November

I thought I might participate in Nonfiction November this year. I haven’t participated before, not being the biggest nonfiction reader, but I thought I’d try to do a post a week, if they are appropriate. I am also planning to review two nonfiction books this month, including one I originally intended for the 1962 Club, but it didn’t fit my schedule.

The host for this week’s Nonfiction November is Based on a True Story, so people’s reviews and comments will be listed there.

So, here is the description for the theme for this week:

Week 1: Your Year in Nonfiction : Take a look back at your year of nonfiction and reflect on the following questions – What was your favourite nonfiction read of the year? Do you have a particular topic you’ve been attracted to more this year? What nonfiction book have you recommended the most? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

I have read eight nonfiction books this year, three of which I haven’t reviewed yet (although two are coming up in a few weeks). They are listed in order of my reviews:

These books don’t easily fall into categories, but:

  • 3 are memoirs and 1 is a biography
  • 4 are related to literature, 3 by authors known in the literary world and the last about Shakespeare’s work
  • 1 is a sort of travelogue or nature book
  • 2 are science-related

The books I enjoyed most were The Other Day, a memoir of Dorothy Whipple’s childhood, which was touching and funny, and The Bathysphere Book, a nonlinear account of the ocean explorations of William Beebe in a bathysphere, leading up to his deepest dive in 1930. This book was really interesting and included vivid descriptions of a bunch of colorful characters. Unfortunately, my reviews of these two books won’t appear until November or December. Silent Spring also made my mind boggle.

I have only recommended The Bathysphere Book to my husband. It will be interesting to see if he reads it.

I didn’t really have in mind gaining anything by participating except maybe that participation will draw me into reading more nonfiction.

14 thoughts on “Nonfiction November

  1. I’m so glad you are participating! This is exactly how I got started with nonfiction November, casually. Now, I am addicted. I rely on the event to stack my shelves with beautiful nonfiction. I hope you enjoy it!

  2. I’m impressed by how many you’ve read this year! I used to read more non-fiction than I do now. I seem to have got out of the habit, and when I do pick one up it always seems to be a history book.

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