Review 2263: The Shadows of London

Cat Lovell and her partner Brennan have a commission to build a new almshouse and some houses where the old almshouse burnt down in 1666. However, workmen find a body in a rubbish pile on the site. Not only does the body need to be identified because it has no face, but a magistrate named Rush closes down the entire site until the inquest. This is unnecessary, but Cat’s employer Mr. Hadgraft, says that Rush originally was a partner in the undertaking and pulled out, so he is trying to get back at Hadgraft. For Cat and Brennan, the situation is urgent, because they only have a few months before winter closes the work down.

Cat’s friend James Marwood now works entirely for Lord Arlington, who assigns him the task of discovering the corpse’s identity. He finds there are two missing men who might be the victims. One is John Ireton, a civil servant who has disappeared. The other is a Frenchman, Monsieur Pharamond (a pseudonym). Both were involved in fleecing a young French lady-in-waiting in Dieppe.

This novel also tells the true story of that lady-in-waiting, Louise de Keroualle, who has attracted the attention of Charles II. Both Lord Arlington and the King of France see a benefit in having a young French, Catholic girl in the King’s bed. But Louise herself is hoping for a way out.

Marwood’s investigations indicate that his and Cat’s old nemesis, Roger Durrell, a tough for Buckingham, might have killed the dead man. Another issue is that James has become infatuated with Hadgraft’s daughter, and Hadgraft seems unexpectedly eager for the marriage. Cat finds herself surprisingly jealous.

This is an excellent series, and another exciting entry in it. I especially liked the ending.

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6 thoughts on “Review 2263: The Shadows of London

  1. I didn’t realise that this one had been published, I really enjoy this series too so I’ve just reserved it at the library.

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