Review 2280: The Vaster Wilds

I don’t know very much about the Jamestown colony, but apparently it nearly failed because of illness and starvation. In Lauren Groff’s latest novel, a servant girl steals some supplies and flees the colony, knowing she is being pursued. She vaguely knows she can head north to French territory or south to Spanish territory without really understanding the distances involved. She heads north.

The novel follows the girl’s grueling journey through the wilderness while occasionally revisiting her past, leading up to the reason she is being pursued. This account is gripping at times as she encounters various hazards and tries to find food. Occasionally, the novel also describes her nightmares and less lucid moments.

Groff’s writing is superb, and I was right there with her until the later pages, which enter a more metaphysical realm. I don’t find that kind of thing interesting, and it occupies most of the last 20 pages.

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One thought on “Review 2280: The Vaster Wilds

  1. How frustrating to be loving a book and then it changing like that!

    Thanks for sharing your review with the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge!

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