Review 2284: The Bathysphere Book: Effects of the Luminous Ocean Depths

The Bathysphere Book is an engaging nonlinear account of the expeditions in 1930 made by William Beebe to explore the depths of the ocean as far as he could go in a bathysphere. In his last dive, he got down more then 3000 feet and was awed by the diversity and oddness of the life he found.

Illustrated by photographs and drawings that his fellow scientists made at his descriptions, the book contains his notes . It also goes off on interesting tangents to tell the stories of other explorers of the depths, the accomplishments of his fellow explorers, and some of the characters they encountered in their work and lives. It’s a shame that some of Beebe’s findings were disregarded, as he was considered more of a popular science writer and explorer than a scientist.

I am usually not a big nonfiction reader, but this book was really interesting, full of colorful and often neglected characters.

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