A New Blog Feature

It seems that more attention is going to translators lately. I’ve noticed a few imprints putting translators’ names on the covers of books and other bloggers saying they plan to list translator names. I was wondering what I could do about this. I thought that adding them to my Authors page would be too complicated, as often a series of books changes translators. Finally, I decided to create a Translators page and link to it from my Authors page. The page contains two lists, one sorted by book title and the other by translator name. You can check it out today.

8 thoughts on “A New Blog Feature

  1. That’s a good idea. I’m impressed with your lists. They must have taken a lot of work! I always name the translator at the beginning of my reviews now, but didn’t when I first started blogging.

  2. Great idea! I try to remember to give the translator credit in my review, and the narrator if it’s an audiobook, but I often forget and it’s so unfair because they’re so important.

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