Review 2241: Suddenly at His Residence

The grandchildren of Sir Richard March gather together in London to drive down to Swanswater Manor for an annual remembrance of Serafita, Sir Richard’s first wife. They are driving down with Philip and his wife Ellen, but before others arrive, his cousin Claire forces an admission from Philip about his relationship with her. Philip tells his wife he wants to be with Claire. Ellen seems to take this lightly, but she is upset.

It’s clear that the young people behave brashly with each other and tease their grandfather. He, however, becomes offended and vows to disinherit them all and make his second wife, Bella, his sole heir. Peta is currently the principal heir, but Philip, Claire, and Edward are due to get some money.

That afternoon, Sir Richard insists on spending the night by himself in a lodge after summoning Stephen Garde, his solicitor, to change his will. During the afternoon, Bella and Peta go there to try to convince him to sleep in the house or accept company, and Ellen takes him his green pen. In the evening the gardener rakes and sands all the paths around the lodge.

In the morning, Claire goes to the lodge and finds Sir Richard dead. Her tracks are clearly the only ones on the path. The family assumes he died from his heart condition, but he turns out to be poisoned with his medication.

The family tries not to think the murderer may be 17-year-old Edward, whose mother’s fascination with psychiatry has lead him to fancy himself with problems and who allegedly goes into fugue states. Although Edward knows that some of his problems are feigned, sometimes he’s not sure what he has done.

Inspector Cockrill is not sure who committed the murder, but the inquest finds a verdict of murder against Ellen because of a silly theory that she could have injected the poison using his pen, but also because she is the only “foreigner.”

Aside from the ridiculous belief that looking up suddenly could bring on a fugue state, which I assume was a belief of the time, I liked the characterization in this novel, which is accomplished mostly by dialogue. I thought that one aspect of the solution was unlikely and that the motive was thin. However, generally I enjoyed this one.

I received this book from the publishers in exchange for a free and fair review.

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Review 2071: Death of Jezebel

Seven years before the action of the novel, Isabel Drew essentially pimped out innocent Perpetua Kirk to Earl Anderson by helping him get her drunk. Perpetua’s fiancé, Johnny Wise, broke in upon them and then drove his car into a tree.

Now the three people involved are working on a pageant. Inspector Cockrill is in town for a conference when Perpetua tells him she has received a threat to her life, blaming her for Johnny’s death. Later they learn that Isabel and Earl have also been threatened. It’s odd that so many of the people involved in the pageant knew and loved Johnny.

The pageant calls for 11 knights to ride out in front of a tower, from which Isabel, as the queen, comes and gives a speech. But Isabel falls from the tower and is found to be strangled.

Death of Jezebel is an example of the Golden Age puzzle novel, where the detectives concentrate on how the murder was done instead of who did it. My problem with this type of mystery is that the murders are usually ridiculously complicated and we have endless discussions involving the action of the knights and the backstage participants.

I received a copy of this book from the publishers in exchange for a free and fair review.

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Review 2011: Green for Danger

The details of an operating military hospital during World War II are meticulously recounted in Green for Danger. The novel begins with the postman, Higgins, delivering six letters about the writers’ postings to the hospital. The readers then learn that one of the six people will become a murderer.

The military hospital in the Kent countryside is busy one night, because an air raid in the nearby town has caused the hospital in town to send some civilians there. Among them is Higgins, the postman, who is also a member of the local rescue, most of whom have just been killed or injured.

Higgins’s femur is due to be set in surgery the next morning. It’s a relatively straightforward procedure that shouldn’t be dangerous, but as soon as he starts to go under the anesthetic, he dies. The operating team is shocked.

What seems to be an unusual but unsuspicious death from the anesthetic has Inspector Cockrill wondering. However, there seems to be no way that the canisters containing oxygen, which are black and white, could have been switched for the green carbon dioxide canisters, and no poisonous substances could be forced into a canister. If the death was murder, only the six people in the operating room could have done it.

That evening, Sister Bates, who is jealous of womanizing surgeon Gervase Eden, has a little snit during which she announces that she knows the death was a murder and she has evidence. Later, she is found dead in the surgery, stabbed and wearing a surgical gown and a mask.

This mystery is purposefully claustrophobic and quite suspenseful at times, although the explanations at the end are a bit long. I thought I knew the motive and the murderer all along, but I was fooled! I am happy to be seeing more and more women writers represented in this crime series.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and fair review.

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