Day 934: One Fine Day

Cover for One Fine DayBest Book of the Week!
It is shortly after World War II, and Laura Marshall and her family are trying to return to normal life during the privations of post-war England. With only one part-time housekeeper, Laura is struggling with unaccustomed chores. The house and garden are beginning to look shabby, which bothers Laura’s husband Stephan, who struggles with the lawn every weekend.

The family is also having to accustom itself to living together again. Through the war, Laura and her daughter Victoria shared the house in a relaxed way of life with various female friends and children. Stephan is inclined to be more fastidious, while Laura is dreamy and untidy.

This novel takes place over the course of a fine summer’s day as Laura does her chores and thinks about a way of life that is disappearing. It is beautifully written, with evocative descriptions of nature. Barrow Down, which looms over the landscape, is an important feature of this novel.

This is a lovely short novel.

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4 thoughts on “Day 934: One Fine Day

  1. I enjoyed Mollie Panter-Downes’ short story collection, Good Evening Mrs Craven, but I haven’t tried any of her other books yet. This sounds like a good one!

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